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Rental Guidelines

Marketing Guidelines

For more information about rental marketing guidelines, including posters and mailing list info, contact: [email protected] (212) 864-1414 x225.

Submitting Information

We prefer to receive all information, including photos, by email. Sending us your information electronically ensures you the fastest turn-around time. Please list your event date and name in that order in the subject line of your email. Please contact Bea Frank at [email protected] or ext. 242. Always cc [email protected] and [email protected].

Use of the Symphony Space Name and Logo

As you create your marketing and publicity materials including press releases, advertisements, flyers, postcards, posters or any other promotional piece, please keep in mind that we have strict guidelines for how we refer to our building and our organization and for the use of our logo.

  • Though our institution is called Symphony Space, our building is called Peter Norton Symphony Space, and you must always refer to the location of your event as such. You should never use “Symphony Space” on its own unless you are specifically referring to the organization instead of the location.
  • Designed Materials (Flyers, Programs, etc.): You are required to use our logo (instead of text) on all designed materials wherever you mention that your show is happening at Peter Norton Symphony Space, unless it falls within a sentence. Click below to download the logo in either Adobe EPS format (for large reproduction) or as a JPG.
  • Peter Jay Sharp Theatre: EPS, JPG
  • Leonard Nimoy Thalia: EPS, JPG
  • We must approve all promotional material prior to printing or distribution. Materials can be sent via e-mail to [email protected] or for larger files.
  • Press Releases: If your event is in the upstairs theater, refer to it as happening at "Peter Norton Symphony Space", not the "Peter Jay Sharp Theatre". There is no need to mention the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre anywhere in your materials. The address is 2537 Broadway at 95th Street.
  • If your event is happening in the Leonard Nimoy Thalia, please refer to it as happening at "Peter Norton Symphony Space's Leonard Nimoy Thalia," or alternately, "Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Peter Norton Symphony Space." Note that the theater is called the Leonard Nimoy Thalia, not the Thalia Theatre or Thalia Hall. The address is 250 West 95th Street.

Symphony Space Website

Every event at Peter Norton Symphony Space has its own event page on We will take basic information from your Rental Application as the description of the event, but we encourage you to submit a lengthier description and up to five photos for your listing.

Each event listing at Peter Norton Symphony Space consists of a description, on display with multimedia on the event's listing page. We may also edit the text for a shorter description on the summary page. Symphony Space may re-write the text you submit for the website or may ask you for additional information if there is too little.

If you wish to include photos, sound clips, and/or video clips, please send them to [email protected] for consideration. Photos should be submitted as 72dpi PNG files, 952 pixels wide by 597 pixels high. You may submit up to three images to be featured on the listing (please indicate display order preference). Any additional images will be included in a carousel on the bottom of the listing page. If no event image is submitted, a Visiting Presenters text graphic will display on the page.

We can flag one photo as your social media image so that when you link to your page, that image appears. The minimum dimensions for Facebook is 600 pixels wide x 315 pixels high. If no such image is selected then it will use the default image, which is a photo of a Visiting Presenters text graphic.

When you submit changes, please make your requests clear and concise. We will not accept more than one requested change per day. Please keep in mind that the Symphony Space administrative hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9am-7pm. Most changes to your web listing will take one business day to go into effect.

Mailing List

Visiting Presenters are allowed a free, one-time use of our postal mailing list (postal mailing list only, not email list). An accredited mail house must be used to qualify for this marketing option. Mailing list requests should be made no later than 30 days prior to your event. Symphony Space reserves the right to decline list requests for any reason. Please contact [email protected] with the following information:

  • How many names you are interested in, up to 5,000. Please determine how many names you can afford to mail to before inquiring.
  • List if you are interested in: Film, Literature, Music.
  • Would you like to include names from Manhattan only, all NYC boroughs, or the entire Tri-State area.
  • Contact information for an accredited mailing house where we will send the list.

Printed Materials

If you have materials (flyers, postcards, brochures) that you would like displayed in our lobby, please have them dropped off with the security guard in the main lobby to the Marketing Department's attention. Please do not put materials in our lobby on your own.

Email Newsletter

Your event can be included in one of Symphony Space's weekly email newsletters at a charge of $150. The newsletter is currently delivered on Thursday afternoons to approximately 69,000 patrons and has a 40% open rate. Your email send date must be arranged at least 1 month in advance of your event date by contacting [email protected]. Once space has been reserved in an email, you will be asked to complete a newsletter submission form where you can enter your event information. Your event will be listed with a thumbnail image, event headline, a maximum 180 character description approved by Symphony Space, and a URL. You will receive a draft of the email to review before it is sent. We reserve the right to decline an email inclusion request for any reason.

Because the Symphony Space email newsletter is a tool that has been created to promote events produced and co-produced by Symphony Space, we cannot list buy-in events above Symphony Space events. Events are not listed in chronological order. While Symphony Space does employ a professional email distribution service in order to maintain the highest possible delivery rates, we cannot guarantee that emails will make it past any individual spam filter.


If you are interested in reserving space in our poster display, please email [email protected] for more information. Please note that space is limited and all designs are subject to approval by Symphony Space.

