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Thalia Kids Book Club Camp FAQ's

A teal dragon flies out of an open book in this graphic, with text "Thalia Kids Book Club Camp" curving along bottom of graphic.

Below are the most commonly asked questions for families considering if the Thalia Kids Book Club Camp is a good fit for their young readers.

If you've still got questions, please reach out - we are happy to speak with you!

Where will the camp take place?

The Thalia Kids Book Club Camp is based at Symphony Space on the Upper West Side.

What are the appropriate ages for the Thalia Book Club Camp?

The age range is 9 – 14 years old.

Week 1 is open to 9-to-11-year-olds.

Week 2 is open to 12-to-14-year-olds.

What if my child is younger/older?

Due to the large volume of interested campers, we are unable to accommodate applicants who are not in the specified age group.

How large is the camp?

The Thalia Kids Book Club Camp is able to accommodate approximately 25 campers for each week.

What time can campers be dropped off?

Campers can be dropped off at Symphony Space between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM. Campers will NOT be admitted earlier than 8:30 AM.

What time is pick-up?

Camp concludes at 4:00 PM. Older campers in the 12-to-14 age group may self-dismiss with a parent or guardian's permission.

What is a typical day at the Thalia Book Club Camp like?

A typical day will include physical warm-up activities related to books; a 2-hour meeting with the day's featured author; a chance to write stories, poems, plays, or journals; to share work with peers; and to participate in book discussion groups.

Check out the Thalia Kids Book Club Camp Blog for daily updates from past and present camp sessions!

How will campers travel to field trips?

In-person campers and staff will take public transportation (subway or bus) to travel to various locations around the city. MetroCards will be provided by camp staff.

Who are the camp staff members?

The Thalia Kids Book Club Camp will be run by Lulu Fogarty, Education Director, and Magdalene Wrobleski, Camp Manager. Several Symphony Space staff, interns, and other camp counselors will also help supervise activities. There will be at least one adult per ten children at all times.

Is there an option to have lunch provided?

No, all food will be provided by the camper’s parent or guardian. Symphony Space is a nut-free environment. Please inform us of your camper's dietary needs or any allergies when you register.

What is your cancellation policy?

Cancellations before April 1, 2025 will be refunded, minus a $100 cancellation fee.

Cancellations after April 1, 2025 will not be refunded.